
What is the Schema Generator app and how it can help you create schemas faster and easier for SEO.

What is the Schema Generator app?

Schema Generator app is a web application designed to help you build and generate JSON-LD schema markup for your websites to boost SEO rankings.

Schemas are a type of structured data for your pages that helps Google better understand your content. By implementing structured data, you provide search engines with essential context and meaning behind your website's content, enabling them to deliver more accurate and relevant search results to users. Ultimately, this can lead to improved visibility and higher click-through rates for your site.

Schema Generator lets you build schemas with a few clicks by just selecting a schema type and properties. You don't need to write any code. Everything can be selected, configured, and outputted visually inside the app.

Why should you use Schema Generator?

Schema Generator supports all the schemas listed and supported by Google. So, if you want your page highlighted on the Google search results page with a star rating review, then you can do so with Schema Generator.

When adding a schema, the app automatically adds all the required and optional properties with predefined values for you. So you don't need to lift a finger! You can also add other optional properties. Schema Generator supports all properties recommended by Google and many properties from schema.org.

Our goal is to provide a simple yet powerful app that you can use to generate schemas easily without going through the huge documentation from Google and schema.org.

If you like that, let's build schemas now!